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I've Been There.

Employee and self-employed. Paid once a week and once a month. Fixed income and variable income. Living at home and living abroad. Dual income-no kids and single income-two kids. Saved for retirement and used retirement savings to start a business.

About: Headliner

why financial coaching?

I remember some lean times as a child. We had to go to the neighbor’s house to use the phone. Needed government aid to get by for awhile. But over time, things got better. At least it seemed like it. But credit cards were making up a lot of the gap. And it took years to get out of that hole.


I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do financially. When I grew up, I never spent more than I earned. Until we got married and needed to buy a mattress. We had some health problems. Later we bought a car. The bills and loans started piling up. It seemed like we always had “more month than money.” We tried budgeting, but something always came up that blew the budget.


Then one year, in a little valley in the mountains, we took a class called Financial Peace University. That changed our life. Suddenly it seemed like we got a raise. The bills started disappearing. We were controlling our money, not the other way around. 


Since then we’ve always kept a buffer in our accounts. We’ve always stayed out of debt. And we’re living our dream life.

About: About

I'm just a normal person.

I’ve learned a lot and want to pass that on to you. I want you to succeed, but it’s hard to make it on your own. We were made to share the journey with others.

You be the hero.

We all want to be special in our own way. The truth is, you already are special! You are the hero of your own story! But sometimes heroes don't really feel like it. And that's ok. All you need to do is keep moving forward. 

I'll be the guide.

Every great hero story has someone who comes alongside and helps them find their way. Gives them encouragement to keep going. If you’re tired and want a change, why not book your free initial consultation today and find out if coaching is right for you?

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